Quinn's 1st birthday

How could I let this day go by without talking about my Quinn? Well, I have had a lot of dogs…A LOT! And I have had some wonderful dogs. There was Munch. I got her in college when I decided that I NEVER needed another guy and I wasn’t dating anymore. (I am celebrating my 29th wedding anniversary tomorrow!) She was a great dog! World class! She would go to work with me. I was a bartender. And she would curl up and go to sleep behind the bar till I was done at 3 am! There’s Champ the Wonder dog. He is brilliant and sweet and intuitive. I sleep with my foot tucked under his body everynight. But, Quinn…I have never had a more intelligent dog. I guess this is the GSD in her. But I still think that she is in a class by herself even in that world. She goes with me everywhere. Did you know that they allow dogs at Bed, Bath and Beyond? Well, they do. And Quinn loves that store. But her favor store is definitely Tractor Supply (they give treats!) And she remembers the clerks that have given treats to her.

I love this dog. She is a joy to have around and has brought me so much happiness! And I cannot wait to breed her and have her puppies.

Maura Kelly