Open Door Farm

A small farm with a big mission...

Having grown up in the suburbs of Washington, DC, it might seem strange that I would be running a working farm.  But it’s in my blood. I come from a line of farmers - indeed, strong women farmers. My grandmother was a dairy farmer and great-grandparents were both dairy and corn farmers in Pennsylvania.  I spent my summers and holidays with them and still spend summer vacations with my family there. The joy of being around animals was impressed on me early and gave me some of my greatest memories. I never lost it and, now, with my own kids grown, I was fortunate enough to be able to follow my dreams of having a farm - Open Door Farm - of my own with lots of animals, raising them in a loving and caring environment - one that I can share with family and friends.

But I’ve discovered there is something a little deeper to the farming life.  Since starting Open Door Farm, I have realized that we, as a society, have become quite removed from nature and nature’s way, from the real rhythm of the world.   Part of my mission here at Open Door Farm is sharing the ups and downs, highs and lows, beauty and pain of the natural world. There is nothing more precious than a newborn kitten snuggled in your lap.  There is something special about waking in the night, in a snowstorm and bottle feeding a two day old lamb. And what heartbreak when we lose a beloved horse or dog after years of wonderful companionship.  I share these events through social media and “farm visits” from friends and family.

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